
Snagging Lists

When you buy a new home, you expect it to be perfect. However, whilst commonly in better condition than second hand properties, nearly all new homes still have a number of defects. The developer is responsible for these but getting them done after you move in is easier for some than others. 

Many home buyers decide to commission a Snagging List Survey, detailing everything that isn’t quite right. You can use this in discussions with the developer to ensure that they make the required improvements before you move in or you may decide that some can be dealt with afterwards. Being forewarned is forearmed though as the last thing you want is to move into your dream home and find the nightmares begin soon after. 

Newly built properties are often and rightly, expensive. They’re a big commitment that you may be paying a mortgage on for many years to come. Possibly stretching your income to do so as well, leaving little in the kitty for you to use to rectify defects later. However, despite a big commitment, most people only view a property once or twice for about 10-20 minutes or so. 

When you are, you’re often more concerned about where the sofa will go or whether you can fit that corner settee you’ve seen in. You may not have been checking whether the fittings have all been finished, whether the bracing in the loft is providing structural stability or whether there are open unfinished joints. 

Our snagging reports will pick up all of these items and smaller concerns such as hairline cracks, poor plastering and uneven floorboards. When going into one of the biggest commitments of your life, being forewarned is forearmed. 

Most of our Snagging reports are undertaken by a Chartered Surveyor with almost 30 years experience. Our Mark Heane has provided thousands of reports over the years and with us and him, you’re in safe hands. 

Once instructed to carry out a Survey, we are normally able to provide our report within a week and can often, if necessary meet tighter deadlines where required. Larger portfolios may of course take longer but we will discuss implications with you at an early stage.

At Websters, we are Chartered Surveyors, regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Our services span most of London and some surrounding areas including Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex and parts of Surrey and Sussex. 

Please contact us if you would like to discuss your requirements on 020 8017 1943.

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