
Boundary disputes 

Boundary disputes can easily occur between neighbouring property occupiers. They often arise out of confusion or mistaken identification of what was an original boundary line. Works are also often carried out without prior consultation or agreement between the respective owners. Furthermore, trees and shrubs can grow outwards as well as upwards, and can lead to additional issues regarding light and even structural damage to a property. 

Boundaries can also become unclear over time, particularly following multiple periods of development and alteration to the physical land and buildings.

Land Registry plans do not always provide absolute clarity, based on Ordnance Survey maps. Sometimes the original title deeds may be required.

Adverse possession may also take place, where occupation of a piece of land over a significant period of time, say in excess of 10 years, may give rise to the creation of new ownership.

Examples of situations often giving rise to disputes include buildings erected over a fence line, a fence or hedge line having a bend, garden areas differing from adjoining properties which would have been equal when created.

Early advice can avoid very expensive litigation, and disagreements with neighbours that can adversely impact on the enjoyment of a home in totally disproportionate terms to any actual problem that may exist.

Our Boundary Identification Surveys will examine the documentary evidence of where the boundary rests and shall determine where that is on-site. Our reports are required by the RICS to be impartial so any report provided is not ‘taking a position’. It is an independent opinion. Sometimes we are appointed by an individual owner to ascertain where the boundary is and sometimes we are appointed by two or more neighbouring properties so we can jointly report. 

Regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and with most of our Boundary Identification reports undertaken by a Chartered Surveyor with close to 30 years industry experience, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands with Websters Surveyors. 

Our services span most of London and some surrounding areas including Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex and parts of Surrey and Sussex.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss your requirements on 020 8017 1943.

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