JAMI £1,675

JAMI is a Mental Health Charity and are a specialist provider of mental health services in the Jewish community.

They are currently directly supporting around 1,300 people with the goal of getting them back into school or the workplace. They also provide assistance in Jewish Schools and Universities educating about Mental Health, how to spot warning signs and how to manage friends of family members that suffer from Mental Health

In December 2019, we donated £1,675 from our profits to Jami. We were kindly told that this money means a lot to the charity and helps out enormously.

Our Chartered Surveyor Jonathan Nesbitt was given a tour around their new shop that sells items that have been donated and then re-upcycled in the Borehamwood warehouse. This enables the charity to give purpose and structure to some of the people they are supporting as well as being a handy way to raise some additional funds. Jonathan said “It was very eye-opening hour to see the reach the charity has across the UK and the fundamental support and education that they provide.

Pictured above is Jonathan and Jami’s CEO Laurie Rackind.